Think and Grow Rich

Napoleon Hill



Napoleon Hill, America's most beloved motivational author, devoted 25 years to finding out how the wealthy became that way.

After interviewing over 500 of the most affluent men and women of his time, he uncovered the secret to great wealth based on the notion that if we can learn to think like the rich, we can start to behave like them.

By understanding and applying the thirteen simple steps that constitute Hill's formula, you can: --achieve your goals --change your life, and --join the ranks of the rich and successful In this updated edition, Dr. Arthur R. Pell provides examples of men and women who, in recent times, exemplify the principles that Hill promulgated. With the success stories of top achievers such as Bill Gates and Steven Spielberg, he proves that Hill's philosophies are as valid today as they were then.

Key words: Success, Wealth

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My Notes

Genuine wisdom comes from modesty (humility) and silence. 

Surround yourself with people who are mentally superior, who push and inspire you.

Listen more than you speak.

Positive and negative emotions can't occupy the mind at the same time. 


You must make use and learn all the principles in combination. 

Principles of achievement into the philosophy of success. 

17 fundamental principles of the law of success 

13 principles of money making, 13 steps to riches

Richness is - Not measured in money. Greatest of all richness, great friendships, peace of mind, spiritual values, great family values.

Go through life with harmony and understanding. 

The Carnegie Secret

The secret will jump out at you throughout the book. 

Clue by which the Carnegie Secret can be recognised: all achievement and all earned riches have their beginning in an idea. If you are ready for the secret you already possess one half of it, therefore you will readily recognise the other half the moment it reaches your mind. 


Summary of principles

  1. Desire

  2. Faith

  3. Auto suggestion – telling the subconscious

  4. Specialised knowledge

  5. Imagination

  6. Organised planning – the crystallisation of desire into action

  7. Decision

  8. Persistence

  9. Power - organised and intelligently directed knowledge. 

  10. Mastery of sex transmutation

  11. The subconscious mind

  12. The brain

  13. The sixth sense



Burning desire to take an idea and turn it into riches or objects. 

Expression on face, determined to get what after. 

When a man desires a thing so deeply that he is willing to stake his entire future on the turn of a wheel to get it, he is sure to win!! 

What you think counts!! 

Persistence of a desire and mow down all opposition to get to it!! 

Alliances will help you get there. People giving you opportunities! 

Think yourself into a situation. 

Nothing to start with, except the capacity to know what he wanted and the determination to stand by that desire until he realised it! 

Initiative, faith and the will to win! 

Do not quit, though temporary defeat. 


Remember the three feet from gold. Before success comes in life, he is sure to have some temporary defeat along the way. Success happens just 1 feet, after defeat was in reach!! 

Study failure in search of knowledge that may lead to success! Analyse defeat in order to produce stepping stones to opportunity. 

You might find the secret in your own mind through an idea or purpose when reading the book. 

One sound idea is all you need to achieve success. 

13 principles are ways and means of creating ideas. 

Riches begin with a state of mind! With definite of purpose! 

Weakness of people by own beliefs - bad though habits steeped in poverty, want, misery, failure and defeat. 

Stay on course and do what is required! Ford and the V8. I want it and Ile have it. The ford determination. 

Understands and applies the principles of success. What were the principles that made Henry Ford rich?

I am the master of my fate and the captains of my soul.

We have the power to control our thoughts. 

The book will plant in my mind an idea. 

A matrix to determine - What is standing in the way of success. 


Principle 1: Desire

My desire and belief is to change the construction industry. 

Desire is the starting point of all achievement. The starting point of riches. 

See yourself in the place where you want to be. 

A keen pulsating desire. 

Choose a decimate goal and place all his effort and desire to achieve that goal. 

Five years passed before he had the chance of achieving that desire. The power of a definite desire. 

In your mind be the partner of Edison. The power of a desire. Want it more than anything else. Create a plan to achieve that purpose. 

Start anywhere and do anything. Do whatever it takes!! 1 thing in this world that I am determined to have and stake my future on my ability to get what I want. 

We win or we perish. Burning desire to win, essential to success. Be prepared to burn your boats behind you. 


It distinguishes those who succeed and those who fail. 

Six steps - These are the steps to any definite goal! 

  • Step One - sum of money you desire

  • Step Two– Exactly what will you give in return for desire

  • Step Three - a date you intend to have the money you desire

  • Step Four - create a definite plan for carrying out the desire. And begin at once.

  • Step Five - write out a clear concise statement of; Desire, Name the time limit for acquisition, State what I intend to give ion return for the desire, Describe the plan with which you intend to get the desire

  • Step Six - read out loud twice daily. See and hear yourself in possession of the money. 

Convince yourself you will have it!! 

See yourself in possession of what you want. See yourself in possession of your desire! 

You need imagination to picture the above. You need dreams and planning before you have money. 

See great riches in your imagination. 

People will pull you down through doubt until you succeed, then they will applaud you for succeeding. 

Fail and fail again. Do not quit!! 

Dream and give the world a new idea!! Dreams are the seedlings of reality. 

A burning desire to be and to do. That's where the dreamer must start. 

Do what needs to be done to get where you want to be! Dream and picture yourself as the future you. 

No one is ever defeated until defeat is accepted. 

Dreams and translate your dreams into organised thought. 


It will come to you when you are ready for it!!

Must be belief, not mere hope. 

Desire outwits Mother Nature. Don't accept the reality. 

Our only limitations are the ones we set in our own minds. There are no limitations!! 

If you believe it enough, you will change the world. 

Desire backed by faith. 

I believe nothing is impossible to the person who backs desire with enduring faith. A burning desire has ways of transforming itself into a physical equivalent! 

Intense desire for something definite. No such word as impossible and no such reality as failure. 


Principle 2: Faith

Visualisation of and belief in attainment of desire. 

Head chemist of the mind. 

Faith = is a state of mind, which maybe induced or created by affirmation or repeated instructions to the subconscious mind through auto suggestion. 

Convince the subconscious mind that you believe you will receive that for what you ask. 

And it will act upon that believe which your subconscious mind passes back to you in the form of faith, followed my define plans for procuring what you desire. 

Any impulsive thought which is repeatedly passed on to the subconscious mind, is finally accepted and acted upon by the sub conscious mind which proceeds to translate That impulse to physical equivalent by the most practical procedure available. 

All thoughts which have been emotionalised, given feeling and mixed with faith begin immediately to translate to their physical equivalent. 

Your faith determines the actions of your subconscious mind. 

Conduct yourself just as you would if you were already in possession of your desire. 

If you believe it, it is true! 

Encourage the positive emotions for the mind. The positively will change your faith. 

Faith is a state of mind endured by self-suggestion. 


Faith is the basis of all miracles and the start of success. 


1.      You will believe what you repeat to one’s self. 

2.      Encourage thoughts in your own mind. 

3.      Any idea plan or purpose may be placed in the mind through repetition of thought. 

4.      I know I can achieve my true purpose in life. Think of the person you intend to become and make in your mind a clear mental picture of that person. 

5.      Spend 10 mins daily to focus on improving self-confidence. 

6.      Have a willingness to serve others. Develop love for all humanity. A negative attitude will not lead to success. 

7.      The seed of achievement. There is genius that lies asleep in your brain.

8.      Faith = if you believe it, and repeat it to yourself, it will happen. 

9.      Faith can influence 200 million people. Mahatma Gandhi had faith. 

10.  Apply to business what ghandi has done to create the biggest following. 

11.  Isn't this just believing and doing business with people who believe what you believe. YES! 

12.  Give, before you try to get. 

US steel corporation story

1.      Idea he created through imagination 

2.      Mix faith with idea or belief with idea

3.      Formulated a plan for transformation of idea to physical and financial reality

4.      Tell the world what you believe 

5.      Persist

6.      Burning desire for success 


Have magic in your personality. 

Visualise the results. 

Research Andrew Carnegie! 

Desire can be transmuted into its physical equivalent. 

Faith, desire, imagination, persistence are keys to success. 

Riches begin in the form of thought. Faith removes limitations. The amount is limited only by the mind of the owner. 

U.S. Steel corp man was unknown. He quickly rose to a man of riches. 

Poverty or Riches are an offspring of thought. 


Principle 3: Auto Suggestion 

The medium for influencing the subconscious mind. Self-administered. 

Self-suggestion. Seed of action for the subconscious mind. 

We have control over what reaches the subconscious mind. 

It's a fertile garden spot. We need to seed the subconscious mind on seeds of a creative nature. 

Communicate the object of desire to your subconscious mind. 

Plain words do not reach the subconscious minds. Only words with belief, will reach the subconscious! 

The subconscious sucks in the thoughts with faith. 

The subconscious mind believes it because you believe it. Visualise the desire you want handed over. The subconscious mind will hand over the plans via the 6th sense. And act on it immediately. See yourself rendering the service or merchandise as part of your desire. 

Have an attitude of humility. Follow instructions with faith. 

I believe my faith is so strong I can see this desire with my hands and eyes. 

Repeat this programme night and morning until you see it. 

Keep a written copy around for rereading whenever. 

I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul. 

Man has the power to influence his own subconscious mind. 

Translate desire into money.

Convince yourself that auto suggestion is sound. 


Principle 4: Specialised Knowledge, Personal Experiences or Observations 

Two types of knowledge 

1.      General

2.      Specialised knowledge

Knowledge will not attract money unless it is organised and intelligently directed in practical course of action. This is when knowledge becomes power. 

An educated man has developed the faculties of his mind. 

Have men around me with knowledge I require. 

Where to get knowledge when you need it, then organise it into practical forms of action. 

You will require specialised knowledge. This would come from high level coaching groups. 

It pays to know how to purchase knowledge. 

Accurate information concerning dependable sources of knowledge, can be found in the following areas;

1.      Own experience

2.      Cooperation of others-mentors, inspirers

3.      College and uni 

4.      Books, articles, audio books, videos

5.      Special training courses-coaching

Knowledge must be organised and put into use for a definite purpose through practical plans. 

Knowledge has no value except that which can be gained from its application towards some worthy end. 

Always learn the quickest way you can obtain the information you want. 

The order of the day is specialisation! 

Be a specialist. 

Paying for something means you will invest a greater amount of effort to obtain the knowledge. 

We value only that which has a price. 

Any person who has the ambition to give up his spare time to studying at home has in him those qualities which make for leadership. 

The biggest human weakness = lack of ambition. 

Know how to pay to purchase knowledge. 

Specialised knowledge + imagination = success. 

The beginning of any business is an idea. 

See how others get ahead. See opportunity and seize it immediately. 

Place yourself where opportunity can see you.

Success and failure are the results of habit!

Back of all ideas is specialised knowledge. 

There is a universal demand and an ever-increasing opportunity for the person capable of helping men and women sell their personal services advantageously. 

Capability means imagination. The one quality needed to combine specialised knowledge with ideas. 


Principle 5: Imagination


The impulse and desire is given shape form and action through the aid of imagination. 

Man can create anything he can imagine. 

Your only limitation is in the development and use of your imagination. 

Two forms of imagination;

1.      Synthetic

2.      Creative 

Synthetic - Rearrange old plans into new combinations. Works with the material of experience education and observation with which it is fed. Faculty most used by inventor.

Creative - Direct communication with infinite intelligences. Faculty with which hunches and inspirations are received. Basic and new ideas are handed over. This is where you can tune in to thoughts of other men. 

Transformation of the intangible impulse of desire into the tangible reality of money. Calls for the use of a plan or plans. These plans must be formed with the aid of the imagination. Most with the synthetic. 

Build a plan for transformation of my desire to money. Write it down. You will then give concrete form to the intangible desire. 


Make a decision to do the desire in a specified time. You will then have a feeling of assurance. 

See yourself in possession of the desire. 

Thoughts are things and the scope for use is the world itself. 

The only limitation is the one in your mind.

Recognise the steps to success in life;

1.      Definiteness of purpose is starting point to begin

2.      Definiteness of purpose takes on animation life and power when backed by a burning desire to translate that purpose into its material equivalent 

To get $1,000,000;

1.      Time for action 

2.      Get the mil within a specified time - get desire in specified time. In a week.

3.      See yourself in possession of the mil. 

4.      Speak of your dreams and beliefs. 

5.      What would you do with the desire? 

6.      I will get what I want. 

Ideas can be transmuted into cash through the power of definite purpose and definite plans. 

Riches come in response to definite demands. 

An idea is an impulse of thought that impels action, by an appeal to the imagination. 


Principle 6: Organised Planning


Instructed on how to build plans that are practical - Steps below;

1.      Ally yourself with a group of people for creation of plan.

2.      Before forming alliance decide what advantages and benefits you offer the group for cooperation 

3.      Arrange to meet twice a week until formed plans

4.      Maintain perfect harmony



1.      You are engaging in an undertaking of major importance to you. To be sure of success you must have plans which are faultless. 

2.      You must have advantage of experience, education and imagination of other minds. No individual can create a great fortune without other people due to above. It should be a joint creation. 


Plans need to be practical and workable. 

Temp defeat is not permanent failure. Build new plans. 

If you are temporarily defeated, get up and try again. 

Improvise, adapt and overcome. 

When defeat comes, accept it as a signal, that your plans are not sound. Re-build your plans. 

Marketing personal services and leadership in occupation. 

All great fortunes begin in the sale of personal services. 

There are two types of people in this world:

1.      Leaders


You become a great leader if you are an intelligent follower. 

Attributes of leadership;

1.      Unwavering courage based upon knowledge of self 

2.      Self-control. If you can't control self cannot control others

3.      A sense of justice and fairness - good morals

4.      Definiteness of decisions

5.      Definiteness of plans

6.      Habit to do more than paid for

7.      Pleasing personality 

8.      Sympathy and understanding especially with followers

9.      Mastery of detail of leader’s position

10.  Assume total responsibility for you and your followers/team even if direct reports

11.  Cooperation - apply cooperate effort. 

Leadership calls for power. And power calls for cooperation 

Two forms of leadership; 

1.      Leadership with consent with sympathy of followers. Only brand that can endure. 

2.      Leadership by force. Will not last. These leaders will pass. Followers don't follow willingly. 

10 major causes of failure in leadership: the what not to do

1.      Inability to organise details - too busy to change plans or attend to an emergency. Relegate details to capable direct reports. 

2.      Unwillingness to render humble service - never ask someone to do something you wouldn't do

3.      Expectation of pay for what they know, instated of what they do

4.      Fear of competition from followers 

5.      Lack of imagination 

6.      Selfishness - don't claim all the honour. Great leader sends honours to his followers. 

7.      Intemperance - destroys vitality

8.      Disloyalty - be loyal to trust 

9.      Emphasis of authority - efficient leader leads by encouraging and not by force or authority 

10.  Emphasis of title - competent leader needs no title to give him the respect of his followers. No formality in working quarters. 


30 causes of failure

1.      Heredity 

2.      Sense of purpose 

3.      Lack of ambition to aim above mediocrity

4.      Insufficient education - paid for what they do with which what they know

5.      Lack of self-discipline - self mastery

6.      Ill health - negative thoughts 

7.      Unfavourable environmental influences during childhood 

8.      Procrastination - waiting for opportunity or the time to be wait 

9.      Lack of persistence 

10.  Negative personality 

11.  Lack of controlled sexual urge 

12.  Uncontrolled desire for something for nothing - gambling

13.  Lack of well-defined power of decision - make decisions fast. Indecision and procrastination are twin brothers. 

14.  One or more of six fears

15.  Wrong decision of mate in marriage

16.  Over Caution - take risks

17.  Wrong selection of associates in business - select an employer worth emulating. Find an employer who's is inspirational. 

18.  Superstition and prejudice - keep open minds and afraid of nothing 

19.  Wrong selection of vocation - can't succeed in vocation you don't like 

20.  Lack of concentration of effort

21.  Habit of spending - need systematic saving. You will have courage with money in bank. 

22.  Lack of enthusiasm - enthusiasm is contagious. 

23.  Intolerance - close mind on any subject rarely gets ahead

24.  Intemperance- strong drink 

25.  Inability to cooperate with others

26.  Possession of power not acquired through self-effort

27.  Dishonesty - pay through loss of reputation 

28.  Ego

29.  Guessing instead of thinking. Don't act on opinions or snap judgements.

30.  Lack of capital 

Your value is established entirely by your ability to render useful service.

You can't get, without giving! 


Principle 7: Decision


Failure comes from lack of decision. 

Reach decisions promptly and change them slowly. 

Don't be influenced by others except your key council. 

Positive people around you. 

Reach your own decisions. If you need facts and help from people, do it quietly without telling everyone your purpose. 

Keep your eyes and ears open. 


Genuine wisdom comes from modesty and silence. 

Don't talk about your plans too freely. 

Closed mouth and open ears and eyes.


Deeds and not words count most. 

Show people with actions and not words. 


Huge change starts with the Definiteness of decision of a small number of people. Then they all have faith and belief to persist. 

In union there is strength. 

Be blind to fear and possibility of failure. 

Power = desire, decision, faith, persistence, the mastermind and organised planning. 

Thought backed by strong desire transmutes itself into its physical equivalent. The steel corp explains this method in the six steps. 

Prompt and definite decisions know what they want and generally get it. This makes you a leader. The world makes room for people who do this and show where they are going. 

Definiteness of decision requires courage. 


Principle 8: Persistence


Persistence is essential factor. Basis of persistence is the power of will. 

Don't give up! 

Persistence starts with the six steps. 

The starting point of all achievement is desire! 

With persistence you will win. With persistence will come success.  

Persistence = knowing defeat is only temporary 

1.      Knowing what you want is the first step

2.      Desire

3.      Self-reliance - belief in yourself to carry out the plan you have, know you can carry out the plan. 

4.      Definiteness of plans

5.      Accurate knowledge - knowing that plans are sound

6.      Cooperation - with others

7.      Will power - concentrate one’s thoughts

8.      Habit - daily experiences.

Fear can be concurred by forced repetition of courage. 

1.      Failure to recognise what one wants

2.      Procrastination

3.      Lack of interest in requiring specialised knowledge 

4.      Indecision 

5.      Poor plans

6.      Self-satisfaction 

7.      Indifference 

8.      Blaming others for your mistakes

9.      Weakness of desire

10.  Willingness to quit

11.  Lack of organised plans

12.  Not moving on ideas

13.  Wishing instead of willing

14.  Accepting poverty

15.  Searching for shortcuts - gambling

16.  Fear of criticism - the head of the list!! 

The fear of criticism is higher than your desire. 

The fear of what people might say! 

Four steps to persistence

1.      Definite purpose backed by burning desire for fulfilment 

2.      Definite plan expressed in continuous action

3.      A mind closed tightly against negative and discouraging suggestions of relatives, friends and suggestions

4.      A friendly alliance who will encourage you to follow through with plan and purpose 

Take these steps as a matter of habit! 

Principle 9: Power - of the master mind

The driving force. 

Power is defined as organised and intelligently directed knowledge. 

Power is organised knowledge. Then below are sources of organised knowledge;

1.      Infinite intelligence - creative imagination

2.      Accumulated experience 

3.      Experiment and research

Definite plan and burning desire. 


Principle 10: Mastery of Sex Transmutation

Transmute - changing of one form of energy to another. 

Sex desire is the most powerful of desires. 

Motivated by influence of a women. 

The emotion of sex contains the secret of creative ability. 

Sex energy is the creative energy of all genius!

Highly sexed people display this through personal magnetism. 

Enthusiasm is the key to sales. 

Consciously transmute the energy of sex into sales. 


Principle 11: The Subconscious Mind

A field of consciousness. Receives and files letter like a filing cabinet. 

Connecting link to infinite intelligence.

Change the subconscious mind with positive influences of desire. 

Thoughts are things. Because everything starts as a thought. 

Seven major positive emotions used in creative effort;

1.      Desire

2.      Faith

3.      Love

4.      Sex

5.      Enthusiasm

6.      Romance

7.      Hope

Seven major negative emotions

1.      Fear

2.      Jealousy

3.      Hatred

4.      Revenge

5.      Greed

6.      Superstition

7.      Anger

Positive and negative emotions can't occupy the mind at the same time. 


Principle 12: The Brain

A broadcasting station. A brain can pick up impulses from other brains. The creative part of the brain receives thoughts from others. Thought is energy travelling at a high rate of vibration. 

Sex vibrations. 


Principle 13: The 6th Sense

Which the infinite knowledge communicates. The creative imagination. 

Hunches or inspirations of fear or opportunity. 

Imagine your mentors and inspirational people as your imaginary council and sit with them. Like your imaginary cabinet. What would they advise you to do?


Six Fears that hold you back

Fear exist only in your mind 

Indecision, doubt and fear - will hold you back. Indecision is the seed of fear. 

Cause and cure of six fears! 

In order of appearance. 

1.      Poverty - refuse any road that leads to poverty. Desire leads to riches. 

2.      Criticism 

3.      Ill health 

4.      Loss of love of someone

5.      Old age

6.      Death 



Man cannot conceive anything which doesn't start as a thought. 

Unwritten deepest evil - Protect yourself against any negative influences and negative people! And any negative state of mind. This is a deadly as poison. 

Biggest curse of all people - living mind open to the influence of negative people. 

You either control your mind, or it controls you. 

Life is a checkerboard, and the player opposite is time! 


Questions for Self-Analysis

State your answers aloud

1.      Do you complain often of feeling bad, and if so, what is the cause?

2.      Do you find fault with other people at the slightest provocation?

3.      Do you frequently make mistakes in your work, and if so why?

4.      Are you sarcastic and offensive in your conversation?

5.      Do you deliberately avoid the association of anyone, if so why?

6.      Do you suffer frequently with indigestion? If so, what is the cause?

7.      Does life seem futile and the future hopeless to you, if so why?

8.      Do you like your occupation? If not, why?

9.      Do you often feel self-pity, and if so, why?

10.  Are you envious of those that excel you?

11.  To which do you devote most time. Thinking of success or failure.

12.  Are you gaining or loosing self-confidence as you grow older?

13.  Do you learn something of value from all mistakes?

14.  Are you permitting some relative or acquaintance to worry you? If so, why.

15.  Are you sometimes in the clouds? And at other times in the depths of despondency?

16.  Who has the most inspiring influence on you? What is the cause?

17.  Do you tolerate, negative or discouraging influences which you can avoid?

18.  Are you careless of your personal appearance, if so when and why?

19.  Do you have a definite major purpose, and if so, what is it? And what plan have you for achieving it?

20.  Do you suffer from any of the basic fears, and if so which ones?

21.  Have you a method by which you can shield yourself against the negative influence of others?

22.  Do you make deliberate use of auto suggestion to make you mind positive?

23.  Which do your value most, your material possessions, or the privilege of controlling your own thoughts?

24.  Are you easily influenced by others, against your own judgement?

25.  Has today added any value to your knowledge and stock of mind?

26.  Do you face squarely that make you unhappy?

27.  Do you analyse mistakes and failure and profit by them

28.  Can you name three of your most damaging weaknesses? What are you doing to correct them?

29.  Do you encourage others to bring their worries to you for sympathy?

30.  Do you choose from your daily experiences, lessons which aid in your personal advancement?

31.  Does your presence have a negative influence on people, as a rule?

32.  What habits of other people annoy you most?

33.  Do you form your own opinions or permit yourself to be influenced by other people?

34.  Have you created a state of mind to shied you from negative influences?

35.  Does your occupation inspire you with hope?

36.  What have you learned about yourself by studying the friends that you attract?

37.  How much time in 24 hours do you devote to your:

a.      Occupation

b.      Sleep

c.       Play and relaxation

d.      Acquiring useful knowledge

e.       Plain waste

38.  Who among your acquaintances:

a.      Encourages you most

b.      Cautions you most

c.       Discourages you most

d.      Helps you most in other ways

39.  What is your greatest worry, why do you tolerate it?

40.  When others offer you advice, do you accept it without question?

41.  What above all else do you desire?

42.  Do you intend to acquire it?

43.  Are willing to subordinate all other desires for this one.

44.  How much time do you devote daily to acquiring it?

45.  Do you change your mind often?

46.  Do you finish everything you begin?

47.  Are you easily impressed by other people’s titles or wealth?

48.  Whom do you believe to be the greatest person living?



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