Midlife Coaching Model

Do you want more meaning? Do you want more freedom? Do you want to feel alive? Do you want to be healthy? Do you want to be happy? If that’s a yes, then midlife coaching is for you.

Reinvention: To remake or make over into something entirely new.”

I offer two midlife coaching services: Midlife Life Coaching and Midlife Career ‘Reinvention’ Coaching. Both coaching services are based around a proven midlife coaching model. You will find the coaching model below.

Midlife Life Coaching

This is generally phase 1 and 2 of the coaching model. It’s about meeting you where you are, being an “outside voice” “shining a light on things” “giving you a second opinion” and helping you understand your situation (phase 1). Then we work on recalibrating (phase 2) your work and life to “take the pressure off” “reduce stress” “free up breathing space” and make you happier.

Midlife Career ‘Reinvention’ Coaching

After doing phases 1 and 2, you can choose to reinvent your career by following phases 3, 4 and 5. With phase 2 giving you “breathing space” you now have the time to think about your big picture long term plans (phase 3), then work out how to let go of your old career (phase 4), take an optional career holiday “time out” and finally, reinvent yourself into a new career (phase 5).

Building The Coaching Model

Being alongside men’s midlife coaching journeys over the past 5 years, I realised that organically, all men go through a similar midlife coaching process. They have similar problems, they get stuck in the same places, they use similar language, they like metaphors (especially sporting, construction and mechanical ones), they like simplicity, and they generally take the same steps through coaching. Believe it or not, we might think we’re different, but us blokes are surprisingly similar cats.

So, I extracted this process, including the coaching “tools” and techniques that were useful. It translated into a 5 phase coaching model. Phases 1 and 2 generally seemed to be about life. Phases 3, 4 and 5 generally seemed to be about reinventing their career.

The Coaching Model is a Road Map

With coaching, I’ve found men “want to know where they are going.” So, the intention of the coaching model is to provide the practical steps, language, the tools and “road map” for coaching. The model normalises the coaching process and demonstrates to men that midlife coaching is not scary, unknown or not doable, “there is a process to it” “other men have done it” and “it works.”

How To Use The Coaching Model

The model gives you an understanding of the coaching process you will go through. It acts as a “baseline” or “anchor” to keep you “on track.” During coaching, if you want to know what step to take next, just return to the coaching model for direction.

But the model is only a ‘general’ approach to coaching. Its not a “cookie-cutter” or “one-size-fits-all” approach. You are unique. So, I adapt and tailor the model, and draw on other coaching tools and techniques outside the model to fit you and your specific individual circumstances.

Midlife Coaching Model

Midlife Coaching Timeline

Below, I have laid out the “road map” through the 5 phases, so you have the detail of what it looks like, how it works and what you get out of it.

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Corporate Professionals: Executives, Managers (Senior, Operations, General), Consultants, Partners, Associates, Directors.

    In these Industries: Construction, Engineering, Mental Health, Medical, Sales/Marketing, Legal, IT, Telecom’s, Town Planning, Accounting. But, the process of midlife coaching is applicable across all industries.

    and Aged:

    • 30-40, single or partnered. Generally, seek coaching to recalibrate their life and career before they’re married and have kids.

    • 35-50, married with kids. Generally, seek coaching to find a career with more meaning, and make it more sustainable so they spend more time with their partner and kids. The most typical age here is 42, married with 2 or 3 kids age 2-9 years.

    • 35-50, not interested in marriage and kids. Generally, seek coaching to find more meaning.

  • My fee is $210 per hour. Coaching appointments are 2 hours = $420 per coaching appointment.

  • Following an initial phone conversation and booking an appointment, I will send an invoice upfront with my banking details. The invoice is to be paid prior to the appointment.

  • Generally, men like to meet once a month. However, coaching appointments can be tailored to your circumstances.

  • Appointment times are 10am or 2pm on Mondays and Tuesdays.

    • Online via Zoom or

    • Walk & Talk. The Walk & Talk’s meeting location is Halcyon Days Cafe (click link for google maps) or address is: Halcyon Days Cafe, 381 Montague Street, Albert Park, 3206. If you're driving, there is plenty of 2 hr and 4 hr parking around. If you're getting the train/tram, you can take the no.12 tram from the CBD to Albert Park, 3206. The closest stop on the no.12 is Stop #132 Canterbury/Albert Road (near Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre). From there it's a 2 min walk to Halcyon Days Cafe. From the meeting point at Halcyon Days we do the walk & talk around Albert Park lake

  • Depending on supports, financial resources and family responsibilities, reinvention can take anywhere from two weeks to two years.

  • Generally, midlife career reinvention follows one of four pathways.

    First, a Streamlined Reinvention of Their Current Career

    For some men this is enough. In phase 2, recalibration gives them time and space. In phase 3, they plan for retirement. In phase 4, they let go of “trying to keep up with the Joneses.” Combine this with the security of a regular paycheck and they have the perfect soil to plant and nurture seeds for a side hustle or to explore their creative side. For example, they do their job during the day - and in the evenings they run wood working groups - or do-up and sell cars at the weekends - or run weekend scout camps.

    Second, a Reinvention to an Adjacent Field

    For example project management to management consulting - working direct or contracting / freelance.

    Third, Starting a Business in a Similar Field

    For example working for a large property developer, then starting a business property developing.

    Fourth, a ‘Full’ Reinvention to a Different Field

    This is constructing a new career from scratch. For example, general manager turned basketball coach – or the consultant turned aged care worker – or town planner turned kindergarten teacher.

    Second-Act Careers

    The second and third pathways, could be called “second-act careers.” That is, in some way, shape or form the new career is related to what they did before. They re-purpose and recycle their skills in new ways. They figure out which parts of their old career they most enjoyed (skills, people, companies, places, industry) and then blend the ‘old’ pieces with ‘new’ interests, causes and purpose. By doing so, they leverage their “career capital” “body of work” and “years of experience” into a new career.  

    Phases of Coaching Model Still Apply

    Even though the four pathways are different, the 5 phases of the midlife coaching model still apply.

    Multiple Career Reinventions

    A man might go through the second reinvention pathway, move to an adjacent field, then four years later, take reinvention pathway four, and go through a ‘full’ reinvention to a different field. Alternatively, he might go through pathway four, do a full reinvention, and then return to a modified version of his previous career.

    The Goal of Each Pathway

    While the midlife career reinvention pathways are different, they each contain, in some way shape or form, the same goal - to discover a different relationship to themselves, to nature, to “the simple things” and create a meaningful humble lifestyle friendly career that expresses who they really are. In other words, a career where they can be themselves.

  • This blog explains what a midlife crisis is. A midlife crisis ‘can’ be the precursor to a midlife career reinvention.

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