We’re Conditioned from Birth to Conform to Societies Imposed Rules 

From the moment we’re born, we are conditioned to follow rules

Parents rules. Family Rules. School rules.

We “toe the line” “play the game” and “do it by the book” following the rules.  

And when we leave home, a much bigger parent called society imposes it’s rules.

I call these “Societies Rules.” 

We get a degree, enter a company, work our way up the career ladder, get job security, get a nice car, buy a house… following the rules.

Life becomes stereotypical.

It’s a set of rules we’re following.

And these rules aren’t given to us with our permission. They are just imposed on us by society.

Often we’re not even aware we’re following societies rules.

We unwittingly follow these rules. But we like it becuase the rules keep us in check, keep us in line, keep us doing the right thing and keep us conforming to the natural order of those around us.

The rules keep us safe. And safe is good. 

Or is it?

Isn’t life more exciting when you break the rules? 

Think back to some recent rule breaking.

What about:

  • Parking in a no standing spot to get your morning coffee? 

  • Taking out the bloke who’s scoring all the goals against your team?

Breaking the rules makes life exciting. It makes us feel good.

It makes us feel Freedom

So, Isn’t life more exciting when you break the rules


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