Purple Cow: Transform Your Business by Being Remarkable

Seth Godin



The old ways of marketing are dead – and being safe is too risky. Your product will only survive in a crowded marketplace if you stop advertising and start innovating. In Purple Cow, marketing Guru Seth Godin urges everyone involved in creating, designing or selling to think in new ways about their market. By adopting alternative approaches to your business, you and your company will survive to innovate another day.

Key words: Business, Marketing

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My Notes

Be truly remarkable. Break the fear, take risks, and be different!

The opposite of remarkable = very good. Very good is an everyday occurrence & hardly worth mentioning.

Focus on the sneezers – the ‘early adopters’

Make the next purple cow before the first one ends

Connect with passionate early adopters and get those adopters to spread the word through the curve. Sneezers will tell their friends about your product, take the risk to use your product, take the time to learn about it. 

Purity of message make it easy to tell. 

Identify the passionate early adopters. 

Improve product with what the best customers care about. 

It's a lot easier to sell to someone in the mood to buy!!

Is your product worth passing on?

Very few risk taking early adopters.

Consumers with needs are most likely to respond to your solutions.

Figure out who’s buying, and then solve their problem!!

Start with a problem that you can solve for your customer, who realises he has a problem, then once you’ve come up with a solution that is so remarkable, that the early adopters among this population will gleefully respond, you’ve got to promote it in a medium where those most likely to sneeze are actually paying attention.

How do you know you had the purple cow? 

If you’re not obsessed, you’re just making a living. 

What do people want me to sell? What do people want?

Don't be boring. Safe is Risky. Very good is bad. Remarkable is where you need to be.


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